Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Statistics on Plagiarism

Cheating and plagiarism is the new hot topic in high schools around America. 46% of teens say they have cheated on a test or exam, and 19% of high school students say there is a great deal of cheating going on at their local high school. More than half of those students don't care if they cheat or if there classmates do, as long as they don't get caught. Teachers are aware of these problems and are trying to be more aware of there classroom. There has also been new technology formed just for identifying plagiarism. Although the public opinion that cheating and plagiarism is wrong has always stayed the same,that has not stopped the rising percentage of cheating and plagiarising in high schools.

I think that this is a problem in today's society. If people continue to steal others work and call it their own then nothing will ever get done. High school students should take responsibility and do their own work.


  1. where is the work cited?...funny, how Ironic it is to read this. You havent cited it either EVEN THOUGH ITS ABOUT PLAGIARISM!!

    Not even in-text citation! WOW!


  2. No worries though, because you helped me build another half page of my report and give me an example of plagiarism. Thanks!
