Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cheating at Duke

At Duke University's School of Business 38 students were accused of cheating on a final exam in 2008. The exam was a take-home open book exam, that the students were told to do independently. Although the students knew the consequences they would be facing if they got caught cheating on there exam, some of them did it anyway. When they turned in there exams the teacher noticed many similarities among the test. The professor then notified higher authorities, and the students were sent to face the schools Judicial Board. The Judicial Board found 34 of those students guilty of cheating. Those students faced from failing grades to expulsion. You can check on this case by clicking on http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/230643/massive_cheating_scandal_rocks_duke.html?cat=4

I think that those students got what they deserved for cheating on a final exam. Final exams are very important and they knew what there professor expected from them before they decided to cheat.

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