Thursday, April 1, 2010

Students Called on SMS Cheating

have you ever got caught cheating? what consequences did you get? an to want extent did this go? well in the university of maryland, more than 12 students were caught cheating on an exam. John Zacker said "We've had isolated cases in past semesters, but not in these numbers." The students admitted to have cheated, using their phones and with the help of some other students. They used a fake copy of a key that was posted on their school website. Their was only 6 students who confensed to cheating an their consequence was that they failed the class. the other five are having to meat with school officials. Unfortunantly the council hasnt yet found the students who sent the text messages.

Cheating has consequences, Im sure the students that were caught regret cheating. Its easier to cheat, but its less risky to study. You might get away with it once, but i can almost assure you that eventually you will get caught. Dont be dumb, and just study for your stuff. In the long run it will be better for you, an you'll feel better about yourself(:

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