Thursday, April 1, 2010

Students Called on SMS Cheating

have you ever got caught cheating? what consequences did you get? an to want extent did this go? well in the university of maryland, more than 12 students were caught cheating on an exam. John Zacker said "We've had isolated cases in past semesters, but not in these numbers." The students admitted to have cheated, using their phones and with the help of some other students. They used a fake copy of a key that was posted on their school website. Their was only 6 students who confensed to cheating an their consequence was that they failed the class. the other five are having to meat with school officials. Unfortunantly the council hasnt yet found the students who sent the text messages.

Cheating has consequences, Im sure the students that were caught regret cheating. Its easier to cheat, but its less risky to study. You might get away with it once, but i can almost assure you that eventually you will get caught. Dont be dumb, and just study for your stuff. In the long run it will be better for you, an you'll feel better about yourself(:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Statistics on Plagiarism

Cheating and plagiarism is the new hot topic in high schools around America. 46% of teens say they have cheated on a test or exam, and 19% of high school students say there is a great deal of cheating going on at their local high school. More than half of those students don't care if they cheat or if there classmates do, as long as they don't get caught. Teachers are aware of these problems and are trying to be more aware of there classroom. There has also been new technology formed just for identifying plagiarism. Although the public opinion that cheating and plagiarism is wrong has always stayed the same,that has not stopped the rising percentage of cheating and plagiarising in high schools.

I think that this is a problem in today's society. If people continue to steal others work and call it their own then nothing will ever get done. High school students should take responsibility and do their own work.

What is Cheating?

One might ask his or herself what is cheating?

I am here to say that cheating is immoral and is another act of stealing which is against the Ten Commandments that Moses received on Mt. Sinai. For instance If I stole a I-Pod from Best Buy the entire community or others in the store might think I'm ignorant or stupid for trying to get away with the atrocity. Okay that's just the beginning, I would also be committing a act against Gods will and the Catholic Church then not only one problem would occur but two. Thats when you will be wishing I should've not done that at all because im sinning against God, and I would be cheating the store and myself from earning the money the right way

Coldplay Accused of Plagiarism for the Third Time

Coldplay has been accused of plagiarising another musician's work. Yusuf Islam, also known as '70s' rocker Cat Stevens, claims his song "Foreigner Suite" has the same melody as one of Coldplay's biggest hits "Viva La Vida". This is not the first time Coldplay has been accused of plagiarising another musicians music. In 2004, guitarist, Joe Satriani initiated legal action against Coldplay after claiming they stole his chords from his 2004 song. Also, in 2008 Coldplay was accused again of plagiarising an unknown Brooklyn band.

In my opinion, if Coldplay used Cat Steven's melody from "Foreigner Suite", it is plagiarism and they should not be credited for it.
Click on the video below and leave a comment about your opinion on whether or not you think the songs sound alike.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cheating at Duke

At Duke University's School of Business 38 students were accused of cheating on a final exam in 2008. The exam was a take-home open book exam, that the students were told to do independently. Although the students knew the consequences they would be facing if they got caught cheating on there exam, some of them did it anyway. When they turned in there exams the teacher noticed many similarities among the test. The professor then notified higher authorities, and the students were sent to face the schools Judicial Board. The Judicial Board found 34 of those students guilty of cheating. Those students faced from failing grades to expulsion. You can check on this case by clicking on

I think that those students got what they deserved for cheating on a final exam. Final exams are very important and they knew what there professor expected from them before they decided to cheat.

Catholic Judgements on Plagiarism and Cheating

Catholics are against all Plagiarism? And on whom?
Well here it is, local catholic church goers around the world are constantly bickering on whether or not plagiarism is punishable by the church. But recently some famous authors have been accused by the church for committing plagiarism such as the author of the "Da Vinci Code" Dan Brown. According to one of the reliable resources, on this topic Jack Dunn a famous christian author who wrote The Vatican Boys has filed $400 million dollar law suit on August 16th inside of the U.S. Surpreme Court in Springfield.

Well as always monkey's do what monkey's see, and they always blow up in their face in the end so I think that if anybody commited any form of plagiarism they should confess to the crime and take the punishment like a man then learn from their mistakes an move on with their lives.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism in schools is a very important topic right now in the U.S. While it is a very important right now many people do not know what plagiarism is. Plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
There are three different types of plagiarism: Minimal plagiarism, substantial plagiarism, and complete plagiarism. Minimal plagiarism is commonly used by students, and is when a person plagiarizes by editing the original text. Next, substantial plagiarism is changing the patterns of the text. Lastly, complete plagiarism is copying the data without making any changes to it.
Now with a better understanding of plagiarism, we can examine the morality of plagiarism in a more scrutinizing manner.